Thursday, July 22, 2010

Diaper Free

So I recently read the book Diaper Free by Ingrid Bauer, and it has sent me off on another wonderful journey with my little Rowan Pants. Her book is all about Elimination Communication, or Natural Infant Hygiene as it is also known, which is connecting with your baby on yet another deeper level, like breastfeeding on demand, but helping your baby relieve themselves in a way that doesn't make them sit in it. Its great!  You basically learn a whole new set of cues from your baby, just like when they are tired, or hungry, but this time it is when they have to go pee or poop! We started off a little shaky, Rowan I think getting frustrated and rather confused, but now a week into it, it is great! We got him a little potty a couple of days ago, and he used it 5 times today, which is 5 less dirty diapers! I still have him in diapers all day, sometimes we let him go without, but we are working towards being diaper free at some point. I know it may sound crazy to some, but its amazing how well it works! They really do let you know when they have to go, and you just have to tune in to those cues along with the other ones you already are observing. It is really pretty exciting :) And he loves it too! He gets so excited when he goes potty in his, or in the toilet (his potty seat can attach to it) and its great! I still am amazed, but it really makes sense, so I guess that's all that really matters! Till next time! :)


Lisa Ricard Claro said...

Wow...interesting. I never thought to try before age 2, and by then it was easy-breezy. Good luck!

J said...

It's really pretty cool Auntie! And its neat how its not training him, but training us to be more responsive to what he's trying to say to us!