Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Springing Forth

Spring has always been a rather magical time to me. Watching new growth, leaves and buds appear on naked branches is something I have always done with wonder; nature is an amazing thing. I love bulbs, planting in the fall/winter and forgetting, and several months later, watching as they spring forth from the earth and fill our world with color.
I was a little crazy this last fall and bought a bag of 75 tulip bulbs. I can't help myself when it comes to flowers, it is something that is so simple, yet so beautiful, and makes me so happy. I've learned that if something makes me so easily happy like that, then go with it! But anyways, my insanity has finally paid off, and I have had beautiful tulips to gaze at outside of my window. Yellow, purple, red, and more that haven't flowered yet so who knows what they will be? I finally cut some of the red the other day and brought them inside, something I love to be able to do, bring the beauty from the outside in!

I find the way the inside of flowers look to be wonderful as well, the outside of the petals one deep, rich color, the inside hiding a surprise of some sort. This one reminds me of an eye looking up at the sky, watching the clouds and birds flowing by. What a life to live!



Lovely little post and I couldn't agree with you more. That's why I have so many flowers around also. My daffodils just started blooming and the tulips are up but no buds yet. You have such great climate out there. Do you see any trees flowering yet? None here, but they're budding up well.

J said...

yep we do have some flowering trees already, I'm honestly not sure what kind they are though! None in my yard, but I see them when I am out and about!

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

Hi Jilly! I didn't even know you blogged until you left a comment on mine. I love your writing and your voice and will be back for more. I envy you your industry with regard to planting. I love the flowers, but I do not have a green thumb; I'm always planting the wrong thing in the wrong place. *sigh* Your tulips must be amazing...75!

Caitlin said...

I'm so jealous!!!! I miss having a yard and a garden in the worst way!!! At least I'll get to enjoy the pictures of yours!

J said...

Yep Aunt Lisa, I just started! I figured it would give me a creative outlet, and would keep all the family up to date on whats going on in our little insanity! Caitlin, I will do my best to keep them coming! it seems these days all that fills out camera is our little man