Sunday, March 21, 2010

Poop Time

Never in my life did I think that I would have so many conversations about poop and pee. "Did Rowan poop yet?" has been a common question in our household over the past 2 weeks. It started out with him going a day without doing it, dropping a load. I was worried, checked my books, called my mom, and was reassured, that it was normal. I guess breast fed babies can go a couple of days without pooping. So then next day came around, and finally it came, the massive one. Yay! He pooped finally! The next day comes and goes, and the next, and I start to worry again.

We did bicycle kicks, tummy massage, anything that wasn't invasive for the poor little man. I finally called his pediatrician's office, and they told me it was normal for breast fed infants to not go for anywhere from 4-7 days. 4-7 days. Are you kidding me? Enter life now. Yesterday was day seven, so we decided to give him a bath to see if that would get things moving. And did it ever. And throughout all of this, I am constantly amazed, amazed at how much life has changed in the past 31 days, how poop and pee are now normal conversations in our house, and how exciting dumping a big load can really be.


Kimberly said...

So glad to see you've got yourself a blog! Amazing how suddenly the pooping habits of another person can leave you panicked and making phone calls. Ah, motherhood!

J said...

It is true! I never thought about this part of motherhood, but its amazing how important the elimination process becomes when you have an infant!


Jillie. What a wonderful blog!! You are quite a good writer! I love your sense of humor. BTW I did not know babies could go that long with out pooping either. Wow! Looking forward to the next post.

Unknown said...

Ahhh, nothing like a good Poop.....

Caitlin said...

I love your writing and I'm so excited to follow you and your lil fam via blog!!!!! Never in a million years would you think that poop would be the highest topic of conversation between two people (say 5 years ago). Looks like you were made to be a momma!