Sunday, June 06, 2010


So we made our first road trip with Rowan, and it was a complete success. On the Wednesday before Memorial Day weekend, Sean was talking about how much he wanted to go visit his grandpa. He is 90 years old, and had some stuff going on, and no other time seemed better. So I said, do you want to go? After a frenzy of packing, and preparing our house and animals for us to be gone for a long weekend, I barely had the time to think, are we crazy? 20+ hours in the car with a 3 month old baby? But much to our happiness, he did wonderfully! We left very early in the morning, and drove straight through, arriving at Sean's grandpa's house in Sun Lakes, just south of Phoenix, at around 5 the next morning.

Rowan had quite the adventure - swimming several times, watching his great grandpa play tennis, going out to a restaurant for his first and second time, getting to meet his great grandpa, and many of his friends, getting to see his grandma a week early - she was planning to come visit in Oregon - all and all a wonderful weekend. and he did so good! I was such a proud mommy during those 5 days. Hours and hours in his car seat, new places, people, and things. And such a wonderful boy! It really makes me look forward to the next adventure, and wonder what that may be!

And here is a picture of the four generations together! I am so glad we made the trip!


Lisa Ricard Claro said...

1. Rowan is so beautiful!

2. Still playing tennis at 90! Wow. I want to be in good enough shape at 90 to be that active. Good for him.

3. How wonderful that you guys took the time to travel and visit. Great-grandpa must be very pleased and proud. I'm sure he feel very loved, as well, and that is the most important of all.

God bless -
Auntie Chickie

Unknown said...

Next road trip - BOSTON!!!!!