Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ergo Love

Babywearing is something that I wholeheartedly believe in. I think that your baby loves to be close, not set in a chair, crib, swing, etc. to watch a mobile. Granted, all of those things are incredibly useful at times, I still think that being in arms and right with you is best for you and your baby. I may sound crazy, but I can't help it. If my little man is awake, I want to be doing stuff with him, and have this inner sense of being a bad mom if I just let him sit and stare at stuff. I know he needs to do this at times, but still.
ANYways. Babywearing. That's what I was really wanting to write about. We have tried a variety of ways to do it, not all of them easy or cheap. We tried the basic sling, the slings with the metal rings, Snuggli's, Moby wrap, and I finally found the one we love - the Ergo baby carrier. To put it simply - it rocks. It was created so you can ergonomically carry your baby around without killing your body. It reminds me of a Moby wrap, just a whole lot easier to use. It helps spread the weight around your whole body like the Moby, but has a way sturdier build and feels just all around better! Its great! I can have both of my arms free, and not feel that I need to support his head. I got the infant insert with it, which is great because it boosts them up, and supports their spine and posture in all the right places. It also has an extra high back that supports Rowan's neck so I don't have to worry about it! It comes in a fun variety of colors, plus has organic options - which I opted for, and am glad already - Rowan loves to suck/chew on anything that is in range, so it makes me feel a bit better about that! All in all it is great, well worth the higher price tag, and I wish I would have known this before I got the other few items that I had. They say a picture is worth a thousand words..  and its true in this case!


Lisa Ricard Claro said...

Very cool! We tried the snuggle sacks when our kids were babies, and though the babies loved them (as you said, anything to be close!) they were not comfy for us. I'm glad you have found something you can use with ease. And I agree with you! Do what feels right for you and your little guy. He's obviously healthy, happy and loved. It doesn't get better than that! Love you!

J said...

Its true, we have tried many and they aren't all comfortable! But this one is great! You barely feel his weight on you. I love it :)